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A Literature Review on Family-Centered Therapy as Enabler of Mental Adaptability and Coping
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2017
Issue 3 (May)
Pages: 31-36   |   Vol. 4, No. 3, May 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 51   Since Jul. 10, 2017 Views: 1238   Since Jul. 10, 2017
Iril I. Panes, College of Nursing, Sultan Kudarat State University, Tacurong, Sultan Kudarat City, Philippines.
Cyruz P. Tuppal, Ministry of Health, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman; Graduate School, St. Paul University Philippines Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley, Philippines; Graduate School, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Ma. Elizabeth C. Baua, School of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences, St. Paul University Philippines Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley, Philippines.
This literature review explores how family-centered therapy strengthens the mental adaptability and coping mechanism among families having a member with mental illness. Using the Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO, CINAHL and Ovid-based MEDLINE, an exhaustive web-based search was conducted. From the initial search, seventy-five articles published between the years 1998-2016, written in English, and focused on the mental adaptability and coping mechanism using a family-centered therapy on mental illness. There were 75 extracted articles during the initial search. After removal of duplicates, 30 articles were obtained, of which 15 were included in the final synthesis. Results reveal that family-centered therapy is an effective adjunct modality to psychotherapy for the person with mental illness. Knowledge of the disorder through family education promotes mental adaptability and effective coping mechanism, reduces family conflicts, and cultivates a healthier family interaction. Consequently, family-centered therapy reduces patient relapse and empowers the patient towards a more meaningful life. Despite its effectiveness as an adjunct approach, there is multitude of hindering factors that need to be addressed including cost-effectiveness, training of health care workers and culture. Future research should also explore the concepts on family empowerment, resilience, and policy review vis-à-vis mental illness.
Adaptability, Coping Mechanism, Family-Centered Therapy, Mental Illness, Literature Review
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