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Continuous Education for Perinatal Mental Health Among Clinical Midwives: Necessity and a Literature Review
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 6 (November)
Pages: 73-77   |   Vol. 2, No. 6, November 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 39   Since Dec. 9, 2015 Views: 1679   Since Dec. 9, 2015
Mizuki Takegata, Department of Midwifery and Women’s Health, Division of Health Sciences and Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Kitamura Institute of Mental Health Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Megumi Haruna, Department of Midwifery and Women’s Health, Division of Health Sciences and Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Toshinori Kitamura, Kitamura Institute of Mental Health Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Department of Psychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.
During perinatal period, a variety of mental disorders are often seen among pregnant and child rearing women; psychosis, depression, anxiety disorders including tokophobia (fear of childbirth), panic disorders, and traumatic symptoms due to childbirth. Due to the negative impact on mother’s well-being, childrearing, and family relationships, midwives should obtain sufficient knowledge and skills for detecting women with either of these mental disorders and their family and providing proper care. However, education of mental health care for mothers with psychiatric disorders may not be sufficient in the current curriculum of midwifery. Therefore, continuous training for the mental disorders, is essential for improving the quality of midwifery care. This literature review describes clinical symptoms, related factors, pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments of the mental disorders, suggesting clinical implication for midwives.
Continuous Education, Mental Disorders, Midwives, Literature Review
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