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Assessment of Exposure to Organic and Inorganic Pollutants in Children's Hair
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2019
Issue 1 (March)
Pages: 18-22   |   Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 43   Since May 11, 2019 Views: 1290   Since May 11, 2019
Florent Brousse, International Medical Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology, Rue Henri Becquerel, Chambly, France.
Gilles Malonga, International Medical Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology, Rue Henri Becquerel, Chambly, France.
Guanghua Yang, International Medical Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology, Rue Henri Becquerel, Chambly, France.
Nouredine Sadeg, International Medical Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology, Rue Henri Becquerel, Chambly, France.
A new approach is developed to determine people's exposure to organic and inorganic pollutants through hair analysis. This study involved 44 children. Two strands of hair were analyzed: to seek organic pollutant by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and flight time (LC-MS-QTOF) and inorganic pollutant by inductively coupled plasma spectrometry with mass detector (ICP-MS). For organic pollutants, 100% of children show traces with an average of 38 toxicants per child with a predominance of synthetic intermediates (18%), insecticides (16%) and fungicides (13%). The 5 most commonly found products are metaldehyde (43 times), sorbic acid (43 times), hymecromone (42 times), hydroxychinolin (37 times) and pyrocatechol (34 times). For, 100% of children show inorganic pollutants (Metal Trace Element) at a rate at the limit of the toxic values we call “CONTROLLED LEVEL” with an average of 16 metal trace elements (MTE) per child. The MTE most often found are: aluminum, titanium, nickel, antimony, arsenic (43 times). For some elements, we define for the first-time the values in the hair.
Pollutants, Exposure, Hair, Children, Organic, Inorganic, Synthetic Intermediate, Pesticides, Element Trace Metallic, Metal
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