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Medical Students’ Perception and Attitude Before and After Implementing Patient Safety Curriculum in Clinical Years
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2018
Issue 4 (December)
Pages: 122-129   |   Vol. 6, No. 4, December 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 41   Since Jan. 17, 2019 Views: 1526   Since Jan. 17, 2019
Firdous Jahan, Department Family Medicine, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, National University Science and Technology, Sohar, Oman.
Shaikh Muhammad Naeem, Department Family Medicine, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, National University Science and Technology, Sohar, Oman.
Muhammad A Siddiqui, Department of Research, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Regina, Canada.
Rizwan Qasim, Department Family Medicine, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, National University Science and Technology, Sohar, Oman.
Muhammad Moazzam Khan, Department Family Medicine, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, National University Science and Technology, Sohar, Oman.
Primary care is the first contact into the health system, ineffective and unsafe care may increase morbidity and mortality. Thus, improving safety in primary care is essential when striving to ensure universal health coverage and the sustainability of health care. Medical students need to understand and demonstrate appropriate patient safety skills. The main purpose of this study was to identify knowledge, perception and attitude of medical students before and after implementing patient safety curriculum in clinical year. This is a survey using quasi-experimental (pre and post-intervention) study design. All students in sixth year were invited to participate. Data was collected on a self-filled survey questionnaire. The questionnaire assessed various elements; including students’ confidence level, perception regarding safety culture, view regarding working in teams with other health professionals, insight regarding effective communication and importance and impact on patient care. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0). A total ninety five (n-95) sixth year students have participated in the study, of which 6 (6.3%) were male and 89 (93.7%) were female. Students were asked series of question regarding their confidence level about clinical safety, hand hygiene, infection control and safe medication practice in classroom and clinical settings. A significant statistical difference was observed between pre and post teaching in classroom responses (P 0.053, 95% CI: -0.483 to 0.003). However no difference was observed in Pre and Post teaching responses in clinical settings responses (P-0.069, 95% CI: -0.449 to 0.017). Medical students need to understand and demonstrate appropriate patient safety skills early and continuously in their professional education. A significant difference is observed in pre and post teaching knowledge, perception and attitude.
Patient Safety, Medical Students, Curriculum, Family Medicine
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