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Joint Effect/Interaction of Detailing and Trainings on Coverage of Family Planning Products Among Selected PPMV Shops in Nigeria
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2018
Issue 2 (April)
Pages: 26-34   |   Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 38   Since Apr. 27, 2018 Views: 1584   Since Apr. 27, 2018
Babajide Oluseyi Daini, Department of Research, Measurement and Results, Society for Family Health, Abuja, Nigeria.
Adedotun Umul-Khair Anibi, Department of Research, Measurement and Results, Society for Family Health, Abuja, Nigeria.
Boladale Akin-Kolapo, Department of Programs, Expanded Social Marketing Project, Society for Family Health, Abuja, Nigeria.
Oluwole Ayodele Fajemisin, Department of Research, Measurement and Results, Society for Family Health, Abuja, Nigeria.
Across many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Drug shops are usually the first point of care-seeking in most communities. Studies in Nigeria have found that PPMVs generally have low health knowledge and health treatment practices (especially for Family planning (FP)) ultimately affecting stocking patterns of products. Limited evidence suggests that PPMV knowledge and practice can be improved through interventions, particularly those that go beyond just training but include an integrated approach addressing both supply and demand-side factors. This study therefore aimed to assess the effects of the strategies (PPMV Trainings and Detailing) employed by the ESMPIN Project and examine the joint effect of these on coverage/stocking of FP products among selected PPMV Shops. A cross-section of 8,294 PPMV shops were selected systematically across 25 program states. Questionnaires were administered using personal digital directory (PDA); Data was reported as frequencies and percentages, bivariate analysis was done using the chi-square test and Multivariate regression analysis (using 3 models) was used to assess the association between training, detailing and coverage on FP Products. About one-third of PPMV shops were in rural areas (32.4%), 37.4% of shops interviewed, had at least one person who had attended training supported by ESMPIN/SFH and 27.6% had been visited by an ESMPIN/SFH Detailer. Nearly all (97.8%) attendees attended within 3 years prior to the study. There was significant association noticed between PPMV training attendance and stocking of Gold circle condom, Combination 3 and Postinor-2 (P=0.002, P<0.001, P<0.001 respectively), Detailing was also significantly associated with the mentioned FP Products (P<0.001). There was a 45% increased likelihood of having good coverage of FP products among trained-PPMV shops compared to those not-trained (OR=1.45, CI=1.326-1.588). A significant and larger association was found for effect of Detailing on coverage of products; odds of having good coverage were significantly higher among PPMVs detailed compared to those not detailed (OR=1.65, CI=1.50-1.82). The interaction term of training and detailing showed significant relationship with coverage of products; PPMV shops where we have both trained and conducted detailing were 2.1 times more likely to have good coverage of FP products than those not trained or detailed (AOR=2.01 CI=1.85-2.38). Training and detailing are important, and independently influence the behaviours of PPMVs regarding FP service provision and product stocking. However, a combination of both interventions in the same model would yield a multiplied effect and influence on PPMVs stocking practices and coverage of FP products.
PPMVs, Family Planning Products, Training, Detailing and Coverage/Stocking
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