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Obesity Epidemic, Medical and Quality of Life Consequences: A Review
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2017
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 1-12   |   Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 1375   Since Mar. 6, 2017 Views: 6382   Since Mar. 6, 2017
Stella G. Uzogara, Department of Public Health, Bureau of Family Health & Nutrition, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston Massachusetts, USA.
Obesity is excessive body weight that leads to bad health. The scourge of obesity is a serious public health problem that has reached epidemic proportions in both developed and developing countries. The epidemic has to be addressed and given serious attention because of its medical, health, economic and quality of life consequences at local, national and global levels. Besides the high cost of treating obesity or associated diseases, there is loss of work productivity and loss of earning power as well as loss of quality of life in people living with excessive weight gain and obesity. This paper will address the growing obesity epidemic and its various consequences. It will review several published studies as well as some unpublished anecdotal reports on the consequences of obesity in different populations. It is hoped that this review may contribute in raising awareness on the burden of obesity; it may also stimulate interest in weight management and inspire some individuals to take action to control their excessive body weight. In addition, discussion of the consequences may act as a deterrent or wakeup call in those individuals who are complacent and unrestrained in their dietary consumption, or those who feel unconcerned by their excessive body weight. Highlighting the serious consequences of obesity may also ignite the public to take action to curb the epidemic and improve the lives of people living with this chronic disease. The collaborative efforts of government, industry, health professionals, nutritionists as well as affected individuals will help to reduce the obesity epidemic, minimize its consequences and ensure good health and wellness in many populations.
Obesity, Epidemic, Consequences, Costs, Medical, Quality of Life, Weight Management, Wellness
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