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Breakage During Removal of an Entrapped Wire Reinforced Epidural Catheter
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2019
Issue 2 (June)
Pages: 45-47   |   Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 34   Since Jun. 19, 2019 Views: 1141   Since Jun. 19, 2019
Suzana França Claro, Department of Anesthesia at the Pedro Ernesto University Hospital, RJ, Brazil.
Paula Cristina Leitão de Assunção, Department of Anesthesia at the Pedro Ernesto University Hospital, RJ, Brazil.
Lucas Ferreira Gomes Pereira, University Centre of Volta Redonda, UniFOA, Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
José Eduardo Guimarães Pereira, Department of Anesthesiology, Barra Mansa Wholy House of Mercy Hospital, Barra Mansa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Carlos Darcy Alves Bersot, Department of Anesthesia at the Pedro Ernesto University Hospital, RJ, Brazil.
Wire-reinforced epidural catheters exhibit certain advantages, such as greater resistance and flexibility, since they are made of a metal spiral shaped structure coated with a polyurethane layer. Due to the flexibility of its tip, epidural catheters reinforced with wire, lead to reduced risk of complications, such as intravenous and intrathecal catheters, epidural hematoma, systemic absorption of the local anesthetic, and transient paresthesia. The lower incidence of paresthesia would be related to the catheter’s reduced stiffness. Despite the various benefits observed, there are numerous reports in the literature showing difficulty in wire-reinforced epidural catheters. We report a case of wire-reinforced epidural catheter removal difficulty and discuss possible measures to be adopted in these circumstances.
Anesthesia, Epidural Catheter, Difficult Removal, Complication
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