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“Enjoyment Hypothesis” and Obesity
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 6 (December)
Pages: 191-193   |   Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 80   Since Oct. 14, 2015 Views: 1761   Since Oct. 14, 2015
Iraj Salehi-Abari, Rheumatology Research Center, Amir Alam Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Shabnam Khazaeli, Private Sector, Tehran, Iran.
Ali Niksirat, Internal Medicine, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran.
Obesity is a disease refers to an excess of fat that is characterized by Body Mass Index (BMI)> 30 kg/m2. Like most diseases, when the obesity is more severe, its control and treatment is more complex and its complications are higher. Obesity can be a genetic, secondary or primary disease. Years ago, it has been found that overeating and inactivity have an essential role in the development of obesity and depression and/or anxiety are the most important psychological factors associated with obesity. Everybody knows that in most cases, the treatment of obesity is associated with a partial response or failure. I always ask this question, which is common in obese people? Why do some people become obese and others do not? Why do some obese people respond to the treatment of obesity and some do not? I found the answer to this question that the significant amount of the joy of life for obese people, is eating and if you deprive them of eating, they will miss the main pleasure of their life. Many years of practice in medicine led me to create a hypothesis in my mind, which I called “Enjoyment Hypothesis”. This hypothesis states that all of people need to enjoy and enjoyment of life is an essential requirement. The quantity and quality of enjoyment depends on age and gender. Also cultural, socioeconomic, religion, geographic, race parameters affect it. For every people Enjoyment should be balanced even saturated as much as possible. Each people have a “Total Enjoyment Capacity” (TEC) which is: TEC= E1+E2+E3+…+Ee. To boil it down, if we can provide multiple ways and methods for obese people to enjoy their life in order to reduce the role of eating in life for enjoying along with correct dietary therapy, proper activity and exercise programs and removing the possible secondary causes of obesity, we can decrease and treat the obesity.
Obesity, BMI, Enjoyment Hypothesis
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