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The Effect of Beatamethasone Gel in Reducing Post Operative Sore Throat and Cough After Endotracheal Intubation in Khartoum Teaching Hospital in Sudan
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 4 (August)
Pages: 140-144   |   Vol. 3, No. 4, August 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 35   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 2150   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Siddig Omer Handady, Department of Obstetrical and Gynecology, Imperial Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan.
Yosif Elsir, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Khartoum Teaching Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan.
Mohemmed Sanhouri, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Khartoum Teaching Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan.
Hiba Mimoun, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Khartoum Teaching Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan.
Awad Ali M. Alawad, Faculty of Medicine, University of Medical Sciences and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan.
Background: Sore throat and cough are common postoperative problems following the use of endotracheal intubation during general anesthesia. Objectives: To determine the effects of betamethasone gel in reducing postoperative sore throat and cough. Methodology: It was interventional, prospective, double-blind clinical trial and hospital based study, implemented during a time period of six month from (February till August 2012) in Khartoum Teaching Hospital. One hundred patients (ASA I-II) to undergo endo tracheal intubation, were randomly divided equally into two groups; 50 Case (Group A); 50 Controls (Group B). The tracheal tubes for Case Group A were filled with 0.05% betamethasone gel, and for the Control Group B with Normal saline. Patients were interviewed at end of procedures and 1, 6 and 24 hour after extubation. Results: The incidence and severity of sore throat and cough, at 1 and 24 hours postoperatively was reduced significantly in Case Group A (betamethasone gel). Conclusions: Betamethasone gel when was used for lubrication of endotracheal tubes pre-operatively, is qualitatively superior to normal saline for decreasing postoperative sore throat and cough.
Betamethasone Gel, Endotracheal Intubation, Postoperative, Sore Throat, Cough, Comparison
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