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Remote Sensing for Geological Investigation of Mayo Kila and Environs, North West Region of Cameroon
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2020
Issue 1 (March)
Pages: 1-12   |   Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2020   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 50   Since Jun. 8, 2020 Views: 1114   Since Jun. 8, 2020
Neh-Fru Mary Immaculate, Center of Geological and Mining Research, Garoua, Cameroon; Center of Geological and Mining Research, Garoua, Cameroon.
Andongma Wanduku Tende, Department of Geology, Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil Kano, Nigeria.
Yongue Rose Fouateu, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon.
Anaba Fotze Quentin Marc, Center of Geological and Mining Research, Garoua, Cameroon.
Remote sensing analysis is an essential and cost-effective reconnaissance tool in mineral exploration. This tool is meant to generate initial litho-structural data valuable in identifying areas that host mineralization. This data assist in designing intensive mapping in the area of interest. This is achieved by constraining the mapping to areas that host potential mineralization as evaluated from the remote sensing data. In this study we apply remote sensing technique in the Mayo Kila area known for its gem mineralization as attested by large artisanal workings as well as previous research in the area. However, there is paucity of geological data in the area. Remote sensing was therefore used to generate preliminary litho-structural and hydrothermal alteration data. This was achieved using Principal component analysis for lithological and alteration mapping and Digital elevation model for structural investigation. By applying principal component to band 1-5 and 7, six different lithologies were identified (1) Calc-alkaline monzonitic granite, (2) Migmatitic gneiss (3) Calc-alkaline potassic granite, (4) Basaltic rocks and (5) Hornblende – Biotite granite (6) Trachytes and Rhyolites. Selective principal component analysis on Landsat reveals the uneven distribution of hydrothermal alteration across the study area, while fractal analysis segregated high and low alteration zones. Lineament extraction and analysis suggest a dominant NE-SW structural trend accompanied by a subtle NW-SE trending direction. Alterations are confined to the NE-SW structures characterized by granitic intrusions. These intrusions are probably the source of the fluids responsible for hydrothermal alteration hence mineralization of the study area.
Lineaments, Fractal Analysis, Orogeny, Remote Sensing, Mayo Kila
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