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Investigation of Concentration and Distribution of Manganese and Iron in Ground and Surface Water in Naraguta, North Central Nigeria
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2019
Issue 2 (June)
Pages: 20-35   |   Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 51   Since Jul. 8, 2019 Views: 1114   Since Jul. 8, 2019
Moses Ogbochi Ogar, National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos, Nigeria.
Dare Victor Abere, National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos, Nigeria.
Linus Okon Asuquo, National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos, Nigeria.
Sebastian Igah Otebe, Department of Dams and Reservoir Operation, Federal Ministry of Water Resources, Garki, Abuja.
Temitope Emmanuel-Alonge, National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos, Nigeria.
Dorcas Oluyemi Joseph, National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos, Nigeria.
Moses Olumide Ogunronbi, National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos, Nigeria.
Ojoma Helen Adejo, National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos, Nigeria.
Florence Dennis Uzuh, National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos, Nigeria.
Christopher Gambo, National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos, Nigeria.
This work investigated the concentrations of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) in surface water and groundwater within Naraguta Sheet 168 in North Central Nigeria with the view to ascertain and demarcate areas of possible hazards due to high concentrations of these metals (Fe and Mn) in groundwater and surface water within the study area. A total of 79 water samples were systematically collected from different sample locations and analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) Machine. This study established that the concentrations of iron (Fe) in groundwater is (< 0.001 – 0.931 mg/l) while that of manganese (Mn) is (< 0.0005 – 0.65812 mg/l). Also, the concentrations of iron (Fe) in surface water is (< 0.001 – 0.735 mg/l) while that of manganese (Mn) is (< 0.0005 – 0.63137 mg/l). Fe concentrations above the recommended 0.3 mg/l were found around the central, southern and eastern parts of the area corresponding roughly to the areas underlain by the Jos-Bukuru, Ganawuri as well as Forum complexes, while Mn concentrations in excess of the recommended 0.1 mg/l occur mainly within the central part underlain essentially by the Jos-Bukuru Complex. There is a health risk therefore if such water is consumed over a long period. Result of regression analyses for Fe and Mn in both groundwater and surface water gave an R2 value of 0.015 and 0.401 respectively. This is not statistically significant. It implies therefore that the most important factor determining the concentrations of iron and manganese in surface and groundwater in this area is the underlying lithology.
Concentrations, Ground Water, Iron, Manganese, Lithology
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