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Influence of Nitrogen Residue on the Performance of Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) in Wastewater Treatment – A Review
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2016
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 1-16   |   Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 114   Since Feb. 18, 2016 Views: 2733   Since Feb. 18, 2016
Govindassamy Vijayan, Public Works Department, Puducherry, India.
Raman Saravanane, Department of Civil Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry, India.
T. Sundararajan, Department of Civil Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry, India.
Wastewater treatment using Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology is one of the state-of-the art wastewater management systems. SBR is an Activated Sludge system which was originally developed as Fill- and –draw batch process. In SBR equalization, biological treatment and secondary clarification are performed in a single tank in a timed control sequence. The process is successfully used for nutrients removal, industrial wastewater containing high BOD, toxic material, landfill leachates and tannery wastewater. The SBR is also known as Inter Air SBR, since the aeration is intermittent. The Intermittent Cycle Extended Aeration System (ICEAS) is a modified version of SBR, in which the influent wastewater can be added continuously in to the reactor. The SBR system is more idle for the areas where the available land is limited, since it operates in less space and it is very cost effective even on small scales and where the treatment such as filtration is required beyond biological treatment. In SBR alternating periods of “air on” and “air off” can be incorporated during reaction period to develop aerobic /anoxic /anaerobic conditions to promote nitrification / denitrification and phosphorous removal. Simultaneous Nitrogen and Phosphorous removal could also be achieved by altering the operating cycle. This study discusses the influence of nitrogen residue on the performance of the SBR.
Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR), Fill-and–Draw, Inter Air System, Intermittent Cycle Extended Aeration System (ICEAS), Nitrogen Residue
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