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Corrosion Inhibitive Action of Euphorbia heterophylla Leaves Extract on Mild Steel in 1M H2SO4 Solution
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2020
Issue 1 (January)
Pages: 1-8   |   Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2020   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 58   Since Apr. 23, 2020 Views: 1000   Since Apr. 23, 2020
Collins Chibuzor Odidika, Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
Vincent Ishmael Egbulefu Ajiwe, Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
Nkiruka Charity Eboagu, Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
Chioma Irene Awuzie, Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Nigeria.
The corrosion inhibitive action of the ethanol extract of Euphorbia heterophylla (E.H) leaves on the corrosion of mild steel in 1M H2SO4 solution was investigated using gravimetric technique (weight loss measurement). Phytochemical analysis was carried out on the extract and the effect of extract concentration, temperature, immersion time and acid concentration on the corrosion process were determined. The corrosion inhibition efficiency of the extract increased with increase in the concentration of the extract and decreased with increase in temperature. Increase in temperature also increased the corrosion rate of mild steel in 1M H2SO4 in the absence and presence of different concentrations of the extract. The adsorption of the plant extract obeyed Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms. The process of physical adsorption was proposed for the extract from the trends of inhibition efficiency with temperature and from calculated values of Gibbs free energy, activation energy and enthalpy of adsorption. Gibbs free energy values for the reactions were less than 20kJ/mol, indicating physical adsorption process and were also found to be negative, indicating that the adsorption process was spontaneous. The corrosion inhibition efficiency (% IE) of the plant extract was attributed to the phytochemical constituents (alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, phenolics, steroids and cardiac glycosides) present in them. The results showed that the extracts of E.H are good corrosion inhibitors of mild steel, reaching a corrosion inhibition efficiency (%IE) of 92.72% at 2.0g/L extract concentration.
Euphorbia heterophylla, Mild Steel, Corrosion Inhibitor, Gravimetric
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