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Biochemical Composition of Gallstones: Do Different Genders Differ
Current Issue
Volume 1, 2013
Issue 1 (December)
Pages: 1-6   |   Vol. 1, No. 1, December 2013   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 35   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1581   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Mohammed Helmy Faris Shalayel, National College for Medical and Technical Studies, Department of Biochemistry, Sudan.
Saadeldin Ahmed Idris, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Alzaeim Alazhari University, Sudan.
Kamal Elzaki Elsiddig, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
Aamir Abdullahi Hamza, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Bahri University, Sudan.
Mohammed Mahmoud Hafiz, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Alzaeim Alazhari University, Sudan.
Backround: Gallbladder stone disease is one of the major surgical problems in the Sudanese population and it accounts for many hospital admissions and surgical interventions. Objective: This study was carried out to analyze the gender difference in chemical composition of gallstones in Sudanese people using quantitative analysis method. Patients and method: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in Khartoum teaching hospital (January 2010 - December 2011). All patients from both genders attended the surgical department in Khartoum teaching hospital. The stones (after removal) were powdered in a pestle and mortar and dissolved in different solvents depending upon the type of chemical constituent to be analyzed. Results: Out of the 94 stones collected, 48 (51.07%) were pigment stones (PS), 30 (31.91%) were mixed stones (MS) indicating the incidence of gallstones in the studied population from Khartoum as follows: Pigment calculi more than Mixed calculi more than cholesterol calculi. Cholesterol stones were not found in male subjects. Conclusion: There is correlation between stone types and gender; male patients predominantly tend to develop MS or PS while, females tend to develop all types of gall stones especially pigment stones. This gender variation is controlled by many environmental and epidemiological factors.
Cholelithiasis, Cholesterol Stones (CS), Pigment Stones (PS), Mixed Stones (MS), Phospholipids (PL)
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