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Oxidation of Different Substances and Mg2+ - Activated ATPase in Mitochondria of Brown Adipose Tissue
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2019
Issue 2 (April)
Pages: 31-37   |   Vol. 7, No. 2, April 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 16   Since Apr. 26, 2019 Views: 1002   Since Apr. 26, 2019
Akhmerov Rashid Nasipovich, Department of Physiology and Valeology Bases, Faculty of Physical Education, Namangan State University, Namangan, Uzbekistan.
Niyazmetov Bahadir Allaberganowich, Department of Physiology and Valeology Bases, Faculty of Physical Education, Namangan State University, Namangan, Uzbekistan.
Mirkhodjaev Ulugbek Zakirovich, Biophysics Department, National University of Uzbekistan Named After Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
It has been studied the oxidation of various substrates, including NADH and ascorbate + cytochrome c, and determined the activation of Mg2+ -stimulated ATPase in mitochondria of brown adipose tissue. It was revealed that NAD-dependent substrates (pyruvate + malate, glutamate) are oxidized with a high level of V4 and low respiratory control (RC). However, on such substrate as succinate, it was detected a higher V4 rate and a lower RC than the oxidation of NAD-dependent substrate. As well, high oxidation rates of exogenous NADH and ascorbate + cytochrome c were detected, not coupled with the ATP synthesis. When using GDP, it is found a decrease in the respiration rate of V4 on succinate, on NAD-dependent substrates as well as on the NADH as substrate oxidation. At the same time, liver mitochondria have been studied, that have weakly expressed uncoupled respiration at oxidation of succinate, NADH, ascorbate + cytochrome c and other substrates. In mitochondria of adipose tissue, it was found a high activity of Mg2+ -stimulated ATPase, sensitive to oligomycin. It has a higher activity than DNP-stimulated ATPase. In liver mitochondria, it is detected a significantly lower level of uncoupled NADH oxidation as well as Mg2+ -stimulated ATPase than in mitochondria of brown adipose tissue. The intensive oxidation of NADH and ascorbate (+ cytochrome c) by uncoupled way, as well as high activity of Mg2+ -stimulated ATPase, detected in mitochondria of brown adipose tissue are explained by the presence of a special subpopulation of mitochondria in mitochondrial suspension, having thermogenin as the uncoupled protein in inner membrane. This subpopulation that exists separately from the ATP-synthesizing population of mitochondria is capable of carrying out intense proton leakage and tissue thermogenesis.
Mitochondria of Brown Adipose Tissue, Proton Leakage, Coupled and Uncoupled Respiration, Thermogenesis, Bioenergetics, UCP1
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Akhmerov R. N., Niyazmetov B. A., Abdullayev G. R. On Novel Features of the Proton Leak and Possibility of Uncoupling Population of Mitochondria in Brown Adipose Tissue. American Journal of Biochemistry 2018, 8 (6): 107-113. DOI: 10.5923/j.ajb.20180806.01.
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