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Evaluation of Proximate, Ultimate and Mineral Composition of Irvingia gabonensis Hook F. (Dika Nut Seed and Shell)
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2019
Issue 2 (April)
Pages: 26-30   |   Vol. 7, No. 2, April 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 25   Since Apr. 9, 2019 Views: 934   Since Apr. 9, 2019
Ogboru Rachel Ogheneovo, Research Coordinating Unit: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Jericho Hills, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Idibie Avwoghokoghene Christopher, Department of Chemical Sciences, Edwin Clark University, Kiagbodo, Nigeria.
Nwaokobia Kingsley, Department of Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Auchi, Nigeria.
Study on the evaluation of Proximate, Ultimate and Mineral Composition of Irvingia gabonesis Hook. F. (Dika nut seed and shell) was carried out. Results showed that the Dika nut contained the proximate, ultimate and minerals that are essential for man wellbeing in their different amounts. The proximate result showed that ash content was very little (1.00±0.03%) in the seed and much smaller in the shell (0.84± 0.02%). Volatile matter and moisture content were higher in the shell than in the seed, whereas fixed carbon, fat and Protein was lower in the shell than in the seed. The moisture content in seed was > 2 fold (3.96±0.03%) over that in shell (8.62±0.10%). The ultimate properties of Dika nut as analyzed did not show great disparity between the seed and shell sources except that of the percentage of oxygen that showed significant and great disparity of  6-fold increase in shell of Dika than in seed. While total carbon and percentages of hydrogen, sulphur and nitrogen in seed were 95.02±0.01%, 0.96±0.03%, 0.03±0.06%, and 2.34±0.08% respectively, that in shell were 90.54±0.03%, 0.75±0.04%, 0.11±0.50% and 1.24±0.04%, respectively. The mineral analysis of Dika nut shell and seed in mg/100g revealed the presence of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, P, and Zn. Apart from potassium that was higher in the shell (42.31±0.26), the other minerals were higher in the seed (21.40±0.51) than in the shell. While the seed was able to have 14.69±0.75 mg/100g sodium, the shell was able to possess less of sodium (9.63±0.34). Similar trend was of course observed for Ca, Mg, Fe, P, and Zn which were 61.24±0.71, 43.37±0.28, 11.36±0.21, 22.53±0.04, 22.53±0.04 and 33.92±0.31 mg/100g, respectively, in seed but in shell their variations were 27.55±0.48, 22.30±0.29, 5.45±0.09, 10.12±0.04 and 7.69±0.45 mg/100g, respectively.
Irvingia gabonensis, Proximate, Ultimate and Mineral Studies
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