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Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Analysis of Essential Oil from Hyptis Spicigera Leaves
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 3 (June)
Pages: 45-56   |   Vol. 3, No. 3, June 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 133   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 3177   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Uraku A. J., Department of Biochemistry, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Offor C. E., Department of Biochemistry, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Itumoh E. J., Department of Chemistry, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Ukpabi C. E., Department of Chemistry, Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria.
Aja P. M., Department of Biochemistry, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Ebenyi L. N., Department of Biotechnology, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Azi S. O., Department of Medical Laboratory, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Emmanuel T. F., Department of Medical Biochemistry, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria.
Hyptis spicigera is a medicinal plant widely used in folkloric medicine of Africa and Asia in treatment of numerous ailments such as wound healing, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory tract infections, colds, pain, fever, cramps and skin disease among others. The chemical constituent of methanol leaf extract of Hyptis spicigera was determined using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Six major chemical compounds were identified in the methanol leaf extract and they are; hexadecanoic acid (15.19%), 9 - octadecenoic acid (24.68%), octadecenoic acid (7.60%), 5 - hydroxylmethyl heptadecane (11.08%), eicosane aldehyde (30.06%) and octadecyl vinyl ether (11.39%). These relatively diverse chemical compounds may be responsible for the therapeutic potentials of Hyptis spicigera leaf.
Hyptis Spicigera Leaves, GS-MS Analysis, Methanol Extract and Chemical Constituent
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