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Extraction and Characterization of Industrially Valuable oil from Eruca sativa (L.) Mill. through FT-IR and GC-MS Analysis
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2014
Issue 4 (December)
Pages: 23-28   |   Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 49   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1649   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Vinay Sharma, .
Gajra Garg, .
Afroz Alam, .
Oil isolated from seeds of Eruca sativa (L.) Mill was investigated for various physiochemical properties and fatty acid composition. The seed oil was also characterized using FT-IR and GC-MS analysis. The oil content was estimated as 38%. The physiochemical data obtained in the study is as follows: refractive index (1.499), specific gravity (0.92), yellowish color, iodine value (106.20g/100g), saponification value (180.6mg KOHg-1), acid value (0.86mg g-1) and peroxide value (8.5 meq kg-1). In fatty acid profile, six major fatty acids were identified. Unsaturated fatty acid i.e. erucic acid was found as predominant fatty acid in Eruca seed oil. This study revealed potential and suitability of E. sativa seed oil for various industrial applications including biodiesel production.
Eruca sativa, Oil Content, Erucic Acid, FT-IR, GC-MS
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