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Calcination Analysis, Characterization and Dyestuff Adsorption Potential of Nigerian Limestones
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2017
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 6-20   |   Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 62   Since Jun. 5, 2017 Views: 4247   Since Jun. 5, 2017
A. U. Itodo, Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria.
L. A. Nnamonu, Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria.
V. O. Ikape, Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria.
In this investigation, we reported findings from environmentally useful adsorbent (CaO) and potential green house gas (CO2) which are the calcination products of Limestone. The mineral characterization of five different Nigerian limestone samples was carried out with the use of X-ray diffractometer (X-RD) and Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectrophotometer. Microstructure of the limestone samples was determined with the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The characterization process indicated calcite (CaCO3) as the major mineral present in all the limestone samples. Result obtained from calcinations analysis shows the optimal calcination temperature as 800 to 900°C and at elevated temperature, the dissociation of limestone released a high percentage of CO2 averagely between 44% and 51% as a green house gas indicator. The estimated quantity of calcite in each limestone samples from titrimetric analysis established the grading of the different Nigerian limestone as high purity limestone (97.58-97.93%) for Yandev and Obajana; and low purity limestone (91.33-92.68%) for Mfamosing, Kalambaina and Ewokoro. Lime reactivity test prior to adsorption of cationic dye, methylene blue revealed that the generated quicklime samples are suitable adsorbent for uptake of medium sized particles. The mesoporous limes adsorbs onto heterogeneous surfaces with non-uniform site energies.
Calcinations, Limestone, Quicklime, Adsorption, Characterization, Nigeria, XRD, Calcite
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