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Training of the International Executive: Considerations for Improving Effectiveness
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2019
Issue 2 (June)
Pages: 41-49   |   Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 72   Since May 30, 2019 Views: 1365   Since May 30, 2019
Yezdi H. Godiwalla, (Formerly of) Management Department, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, USA.
The international executive is very important to the multinational corporation (MNC). In his (or her) foreign assignments, he would face more complexities, personal uncertainty, diversities of problems and other issues, and difficulties than the executive who works in an organization which is primarily domestic in its scope and operations. He has to become much better in developing his own personal skills for dealing with: (1) the newness or strangeness during his foreign assignment, and (2) the differences in the foreign country’s ways of life, culture, social and business customs, political and governmental issues and relations, infrastructural issues, and business operating environments, and (3) the different methods of working of the local people in the foreign country. He must develop far more efficient personal management of his own cognitive process, problem solving skills for his, to start with, coping and then effective dealing with: (1) the foreign country’s culture, social customs and etiquette, values and norms, (2) the process of communication and using working knowledge of local language, (3) managing his own self as a person with self-confidence and suave, (4) managing his own personal stress, (5) managing his own personal adjustment, (6) work and social situations, and (7) his personal style of leadership, management, communication and supervision in different foreign cultural environments. His proper pre-departure training, and, post-arrival mentoring and continuous learning and improving would be helpful in his better performance as an international executive.
"Training International Executives, Expatriate Training, Making Effective International Executives, Effective Expatriate Performance "
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