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Identifying the Effective Factors on Improving the Level of Knowledge and Skills of the Employees of the Sports and Youth Department of Tehran
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2019
Issue 1 (March)
Pages: 19-26   |   Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 24   Since Apr. 16, 2019 Views: 894   Since Apr. 16, 2019
Esmaeil Sabzikaran, Department of Management, Khatam Anbia University, Tehran, Iran.
Mojtaba Alipour, Department of Physical Education, Khatam Anbia University, Tehran, Iran.
In an era in which the effective knowledge management in the form of acquisition, internalization and application (including explicit and implicit knowledge or organizational experience) is recognized as one of the competitive advantages of organizations, the existence of knowledge-based staff who always seek to develop their technical and behavioral knowledge and skills in facing unpredictable situations, is one of the greatest gifts of each organization on the path to excellence. Therefore, the current study evaluates the factors that affect the knowledge and skills of employees in the General Department of Sports and Youth in Tehran province. The current study is of applied type in terms of the objective, and of the descriptive-correlation type in terms of method, which was conducted among the employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Tehran Province. The statistical sample consists of 269 staff members chosen by the Morgan’s table in a random manner. The required data were collected through a standardized questionnaire distributed among these members and they were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling, and AMOS and SPSS software. The results of data analysis showed that transform-oriented leadership style, ability to apply knowledge, ability to acquire knowledge, perspective and organizational goals, implicit knowledge exchange, employee training, participatory culture, explicit knowledge exchange, organizational trust, and an atmosphere of organizational innovation and self-efficacy, had a positive and significant effect on improving the level of knowledge and skills of the staff of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth in Tehran province, however the effectiveness of using information technology, intra-organizational communication, and job independence on improving the level of knowledge and skills of employees was not approved.
Knowledge Enhancing, Skill Enhancing, Sports and Youths, Civil Service Management Law
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