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A Study on the Effects of the Employees Psychological Empowerment on Promotion of the Human Resources Productivity (A Case Study)
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2019
Issue 1 (March)
Pages: 12-18   |   Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 31   Since Apr. 16, 2019 Views: 888   Since Apr. 16, 2019
Ali Yaghubi, Department of Management, Khatam-ol-Anbia (PBU) University, Tehran, Iran.
Limitations of resources as one of the most important obstacles to the rapid growth and development of organizations in the contemporary era, has turned the concept of productivity to one of the main and continual concerns of managers of the organization. In addition, the complexity and diversity of the human resource management process (management of the main organizational capital) leads to the emergence and development of various issues for managers. Managers of the organization are always looking for employees who work in accordance with the working conditions and bring maximum productivity. So far, many studies have been conducted on the ways to increase the productivity of employees, among which, the discussions of "empowerment" with their particular attitude toward human resource development, are considered as successful approaches to improving the productivity of the organization's human resources. The current study aimed at identification of the empowerment components effective on promotion of human resources productivity, and investigation of these factors effectiveness, with a descriptive-survey approach, on a statistical population of employees of Iran Auto Parts Manufacturing Company). In fact, the statistical techniques such as multiple regression coefficients as well as the structural equations, have been the basis for analyzing the relationships between the research variables. Finally, based on the dominant relationships and the effectiveness of empowerment factors on the human resources productivity, the required strategy to be applied for the statistical population of the study, has been proposed.
Empowerment, Psychological Empowerment, Productivity, Human Resources Productivity
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