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Assessment of Sustainable Farm Production Technologies Among Farmers in Adani-Omor Zone, Southeast of Nigeria
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2019
Issue 1 (March)
Pages: 37-40   |   Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 24   Since Apr. 29, 2019 Views: 895   Since Apr. 29, 2019
Samuel Olusola Oyewole, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Environment, Forest Hill, Jericho, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Adekemi Lizzie Oyewole, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Environment, Forest Hill, Jericho, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Emmanuel Ugbede Adejoh, National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services (NAERLS), Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
Low agricultural productivity has been associated with inappropriate and inadequate application of improved farm practices resulting to food insecurity, poverty and poor socio-economic development. In order to take corrective measures and achieve primary purpose of farm production, there is need for a study to ascertain level of technology options among farmers and effect on crop productivity. This study evaluates the adoption of farm production technologies among farmers in Adani-Omor Zone, Southeast of Nigeria. Proportional sampling technique was used to select 60 respondents in the study area. Primary data were collected with aid of structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, means and percentages. Effect of adoption of technologies on crop productivity was determined using t-test statistic. The results showed that respondents were youths and still in their active age group with average age of 43 years. The respondents had one form of education or the other. More than half of the farmers had above primary education. The average farming experiences was 13 and 80% of the farmers were members of farm association. Generally, there is high rate of adoption of improved farm technologies in the area. The output of the farmers after the adoption was significantly higher than their output before they embraced crop technologies introduced to them. The study therefore recommends that a continuous training on the use of improved technologies should be provided for the farmers to facilitate better understanding thereby sustain the adoption.
Production Technologies, Farmers, Crop Productivity, Nigeria
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