Therapeutic Counselling: An Aid to Enhancement Initiative for the Management Stress Reduction
Augustine Agbaje, Department of Educational Foundations, Guidance and Counselling, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria.
Shua’yb Kanani, Department of Psychology, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria.
Therapeutic Counselling is one of the greatest and quickest devices for reducing stress, it is very greatly appreciated because of its transparent techniques such as laughter and humour (parts of therapy) and it produces helpful chemicals in the brain. Therapeutic Counselling gets the brain thinking and working in different ways. It distracts you from having a serious mind-set since distraction is a simple effective distress or it takes your thoughts away from the stress and thereby diffuses the stressful feelings. Therefore most people will feel quite different and notice a change of mind-set after Therapeutic Counselling had been administered on them. Causes, signs and immediate stress effects on health and performance of the individual had been assessed significantly by measuring the levels of two hormones produced by the adrenal glands – cortisol and DHEA – dehudria-painolvosterone. Although there are many approaches to stress management this research as listed 10 ways for reducing stress. Therapeutic Counselling Techniques of therapy and education would go a long way in dealing with human problems such as stress
Therapeutic Counselling, Counselling Techniques, Humor in Counselling, Management Stress, Stress Reduction
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