The Advantage Integration Based Development Mode and Growth Model
Anshi Xie, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Yongda Yu, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
The paper explained what advantage integration oriented economic development strategy and mode means, what distinguishing feature does it has comparing with the comparative advantage theory. Then the model of advantage integration oriented economic growth was established, and the economic equilibrium and balanced growth path based on advantage integration factor was analyzed, and then the stability of economic equilibrium point and economic convergence problems based on economic equilibrium point was discussed. This proposed economic development model is beneficial to achieve the sustainable balance of regional development, since the imbalance of regional development is the primary cause of global problems humanity faced. Based on the higher long-term economic growth rate, the economic aggregate and the capital per labor of the less developed regions will grow up rapidly. Only the ideas of advantage integration adopted by the less developed regions, the economic gap between the developed regions and the less would be shorten due to the higher long-term growth of the later. And it will ultimately achieve the sustainable balance of regional development in the word.
Advantage Integration, Comparative Advantage, Regional Development, Development Mode, Growth Model
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