Advantage Integration Based Economic Growth Model Applied to Regional Development
Anshi Xie, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China.
The imbalance of regional development is the primary cause of global problems. And how to achieve sustainable balance of regional development in the word is one of the biggest problems facing humanity. The most important representative of harmonious regional development is the balanced development of regional economy. Only the ideas of advantage integration adopted by the less developed regions, they would have a rapid increase in the level of economic development and it is probably to achieve the balanced development of regional economy in the word. This paper proposed the advantage integration based economic growth model applied to the regional economic development. It is demonstrated that as long as they formulate and implement advantage integration oriented economic development strategy, and format advantage integration oriented economic development mode, the less developed regions would occur leapfrog economic growth. And the economic gap between the developed regions and the less would be shorten due to the higher long-term growth of the later, and ultimately to achieve the sustainable balance of regional development in the word.
Regional Development, Economic Growth, Advantage Integration, Economic Analysis
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