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Green Marketing: Sustainable and Responsible Consumption of Eco-Friendly Products in Ethiopia
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2018
Issue 4 (December)
Pages: 127-137   |   Vol. 6, No. 4, December 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 43   Since Jan. 19, 2019 Views: 1335   Since Jan. 19, 2019
Belay Addisu, Department of Marketing Management, Dire Dawa University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia.
These days, the issue of green becomes the concern of governments, organizations and societies in general. Moreover, as a result of consumers’ awareness creation and education program on the issue of green the behavior and practice of consumers and businesses have been changed largely in advanced nations. However, the issue of green marketing is a recent phenomenon in developing countries particularly in Ethiopia. Hence, the aim of the study was to examine sustainability and responsible consumption of eco-friendly products. A mixed approach was employed together with a survey to gather data from 145 post-graduate students of Addis Ababa University School of commerce. The finding reveled internet advertisements are the most powerful source of awareness in providing information regarding green products and there is no significant difference in consumption of green products between males and females. The correlation of all independent variables except price is statistically significant, which is less than 0.01. There is negative relationship between price and consumption of green products (r= -0.061), implying an increase in the price will result in low consumption of eco-friendly products. On the contrary, Social Influence had the highest strong and positive relationship with consumption of ego-friendly products (r=0.789) followed by Environmental Awareness (0.783), Environmental Attitude (r=0.744), Environmental Knowledge (r=0.529) and Environmental concern (r=0.418).
Green Products, Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Awareness, Environmental Attitude and Environmental Concern
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