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The Recruitment, Selection and Retention Practices by Family Owned Small and Medium Size Enterprises (FOSMEs) in Cameroon
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2017
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 1-12   |   Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 191   Since Jun. 11, 2017 Views: 2924   Since Jun. 11, 2017
Asan Vernyuy Wirba, Department of Management and Information Technology (MIT), Jubail Industrial College (JIC), Jubail, Saudi Arabia.
Human Resource is a unique approach to employment and pursues to achieve modest benefit through the planned deployment of a highly dedicated and capable staff, using a combined selection of cultural, structural and personal techniques. Hence ensure those organisations can achieve success through people. This paper, examine the extent into which HRM practices such as recruitment, selection and retention are practice by family owned Small and Medium Size Enterprise(FOSMEs) in Cameroon as a means of continuous improvement. Cameroon national statistics [8] show that enterprise accounts for 90% of the economy and 34% GDP and that SMEs account 62% permanent staff and 70% job creation. This paper adopted a quantitative approach. Questionnaires were distributed to 30 SMEs manager/owners in Cameroon. They were selected through a convenience sampling technique. Out of the 30 questionnaires circulated to 30 managers/owners, 100% responded. The result shows that almost all the FOSMEs in Cameroon do not use HRM practice in selecting, recruiting and retention of employees and also no formal HR department. Except one Security Company that practice HRM and has HR department. The majority of FOSMEs in Cameroon does not practice HRM or have HR policies in place. Most of FOSMEs recruit, select and retain by using the services of their family members, colleague’s friends, neighbors, close relatives or people from the same tribe or kinship. The literature on FOSMEs shows that such practices whereby kinship, friendship and family members play an important part in the recruitment, selection and retention of employees. Family owned SMEs in Cameroon should use HRM practice in recruiting, selecting and retention and also use HR department or use the services of HR practices and policies if they want to be competitive in the scare global market talent.
Family Owned Small and Medium-Size Enterprise (FOSMEs), Recruitment, Selection, Retention, HRM, Cameroon
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