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Impact of Collateral Free Loan on Entrepreneurial Intention Among MBA Students: An Empirical Evidence from Nepal
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2016
Issue 6 (December)
Pages: 156-162   |   Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 97   Since Dec. 13, 2016 Views: 2306   Since Dec. 13, 2016
Gangaram Biswakarma, Apex College, Pokhara University, Department of Research and Extension, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Chinta Mani Gautam, Apex College, Pokhara University, Department of Accounts and Quantitative Techniques, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Most of the students, during their MBA are attracted to be an entrepreneur in their life, but do not show that short commitment and behavior. The entrepreneurship intention is influenced by various factors including demographic and financial availability. The main objective of this study was to identify the MBA students’ entrepreneurial intention in the availability of collateral free loan. The study was undertaken among 225 MBA students in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. The major findings divulge that the student who pursuing an MBA are inclined with least probability towards entrepreneurship. Results indicate that the probability of being an entrepreneur is significantly higher if collateral free loan is available. The entrepreneurial intention is significantly modulated by the availability of collateral free loan in association with demographic variables. In addition, the factors like risk, security and experience, family and relatives influence, lack of practical exposure to the entrepreneurship in academic courses, financial constraints and inclination of entrepreneurial interest area are associated with the entrepreneurship intention in MBA students.
MBA Students, Entrepreneurial Intention, Entrepreneurship, Collateral Free Loan, Nepal
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