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Voluntary Disclosure and Its Effect on the Quality of Accounting Information According to Users' Perspective in Jordan
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2016
Issue 6 (December)
Pages: 134-146   |   Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 150   Since Oct. 28, 2016 Views: 2274   Since Oct. 28, 2016
Raed Kanakriyah, Accounting Department, Faculty of Business, Al-Balq'a Applied University, Al-Salt, Jordan.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of voluntary disclosure on the quality of accounting information according to users' perspective in Jordan. The paper finds out that all accounting information users agree about the important role of voluntary disclosure and how help them in making economic decision, also one of the vital result indicate a strong effect of voluntary disclosure on the quality of accounting information which in turn affect on users' decisions, such as investors. The findings of the study have important implications regarding the users of financial statements. In particular, the study shows that the importance of voluntary disclosure and the major role of voluntary disclosure in decision making process and detect the natural relation between voluntary disclosure and economic decisions process plus the how voluntary disclosure enhance the users awareness. It is believed that there is no Jordanian study to date examining the relationship of the voluntary disclosure and the quality of accounting information according to users’ perspective. Also this considers the first study that used the qualitative method for data collection semi-structure interview. Therefore, this study significantly contributes to the limited literature on the perceived the effect of voluntary disclosure and quality accounting information according to users' attitude. Design/methodology/approach is based on the qualitative method semi-structure interview to extract the users perception about how voluntary disclosure effect on the quality of accounting information. The researcher identified several criteria to understand the concept of "voluntary disclosure'' independent variables, and used the qualitative characteristics to measure and understands the quality of accounting information the dependent variable.
Voluntary Disclosure; Quality of Accounting Information, Qualitative Characteristics, Decision Making Process, Accounting Information Users, Jordan
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