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Concepts and Indicators of Sustainable Regional Development in Indonesia: The Case of Mineral Resource Development
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2016
Issue 3 (June)
Pages: 23-34   |   Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 72   Since Jun. 22, 2016 Views: 2056   Since Jun. 22, 2016
Ukar Wijaya Soelistijo, Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Islam (UNISBA), Bandung, Indonesia; Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia; Center for Education and Training of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Bandung, Indonesia.
Hanif Ikhsan Pratama, Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia.
Pakerti Ludzow Anjani, Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia.
Hariono La Pili, Department of Mining Engineering, Faulty of Engineering, University of Halu Oleo, Kendari, Indonesia.
Yudha Yanuar Adisaputra, Center for Education and Training of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Bandung, Indonesia.
Sustainable regional development is defined as activities creating a sustainable change and growth at regional level by keeping the environmental function towards reaching the development goals. As a populous and diverse country with large area, many distinct regional ethnics, very large number of natural resources, Indonesia needs to manage all of its strength and uniqueness to achieve the national goals. Indonesia’s national goals are education, people welfare and national safety. To achieve that, an integrated regional development planning is required. The concept of Indonesia’s Regional Sustainable Development is started with the Regional Autonomy and Spatial Planning Concept in utilizing the Indonesia natural resources. Natural resources plays significant role in Indonesia development, especially for nonrenewable natural resources such as mineral resources. Indicators of Indonesia’s Regional Sustainable Development could be seen from regional and national point of view. From regional point of view, the successful community development done by the companies is one of the indicators stated and measured by NGC (net gain coefficient).From national point of view, the convergence and divergence of regional GDP per capita index could be the indicators of whether the development has been distributed evenly or not in all regions. This knowledge is necessary important input for the professional mining engineers to support doing their best. Methodology applied in this study is based oncompilation of I-O model, CBA, NSG, SSA, economics multipliers and linkages.
Sustainable, Regional, Development, Mineral Resources, Indonesia
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