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The Impacts of Human Resource Practices on Employee Performance in Corporate Sectors of Pakistan
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 6 (December)
Pages: 330-337   |   Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 102   Since Oct. 23, 2015 Views: 2569   Since Oct. 23, 2015
Shakeel Ahmad Khan, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lahore Leads University Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan.
Muazzam Ali, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lahore Leads University Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan.
Hafiz Faraz Hussain, Faculty of Commerce, Allama Iqbal Open University Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Bilal Safdar, Faculty of Commerce, Allama Iqbal Open University Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Employee performance is depending on a variety of activities as a function it associated with training and development and performance appraisal. In all aspects, training and assessment play a considerable part in achieving the individual’s growth and developmental tasks. HRP is more a proactive and supportive function because the organization has to take a lead in helping the people to grow and realize their potential. In our study which is conducted on the development of human resource management and its effects on business development contains much significance for the organizations that want to develop their manpower and to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. This study is purely conducted on employees of Gujranwala (Pakistan) Waste Management Company. The objective of this study is to find out the main components that can help in development of human resource management and can develop the manpower efficiency and effectiveness of any organization. In this study we focused on six variables that included one dependent variable like “Employee Performance in Corporate Sector” and five independent variables which included Selection & Recruitment, Training & Development, Appraisal & Rewards, Performance Management, and Promotions & Transfer. All independent variables have effects on dependent variable positively except one negative. Independent variables are also effect on each other. For the purpose of data analysis we use statistical tools to assess our collected data. We used regression modal to find out the relationship among dependant variable and independent variables. It is observed after using statistical modal that by development of Human resource department employee performance and organizational efficiency improve. According to our study it can be said that employee performance can be affected by many variables. It is also observed during interview of different respondent that all variables do not affect in same manners, some of them affect more than others.
Human Resource Practices, Employee Competence, Employee Performance, Job satisfaction, Commitment, Human Resource Management
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