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The Role of Economic Reforms in the Development of the Livestock Sector in Uzbekistan
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 6 (December)
Pages: 408-411   |   Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 37   Since Nov. 18, 2015 Views: 1806   Since Nov. 18, 2015
A. I. Abruev, Department of Agricultural Economy and Management, Samarkand Agricultural Institute, Samarkand City, Uzbekistan.
Sh. B. Babakholov, Department of Agricultural Economy and Management, Samarkand Agricultural Institute, Samarkand City, Uzbekistan.
D. A. Mirzaev, Department of Agricultural Economy and Management, Samarkand Agricultural Institute, Samarkand City, Uzbekistan.
All reforms in Uzbekistan were undertaken with human interests as the primary goal. In particular, the attainment of independence in order to reform agriculture has brought about more than 100 laws and decrees. Due to reforms in livestock, the livestock population has increased with the current figures standing at 10.9 million cattle, 18.4 million sheep and goats and 56.1 million heads of poultry. As a result, the proportion of the population with animal products increased to the minimum acceptable standards. This paper analyzes the economic reforms in the country's livestock sectors and the activities related to the corresponding agro service. In the future, consistent with the continuation of reforms in the livestock sector, researchers will offer support programs for multi-state livestock complexes and to increase the number of breeding cattle.
Livestock, Agricultural Policy, Services, Agricultural Products, Reform, and Development
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