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Impact of Brand Loyalty, Brand Trust, Brand Affect and Parent Brand Quality on the Brand Extension Attitude: Study Conducted on Footwear Industry of Pakistan
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 5 (October)
Pages: 250-257   |   Vol. 3, No. 5, October 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 64   Since Sep. 1, 2015 Views: 1931   Since Sep. 1, 2015
Shakeel Ahmad Khan, Faculty of Management Science, Lahore Leads University Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan.
Muazzam Ali, Faculty of Management Science, Lahore Leads University Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan.
Madiha Ashraf, Faculty of Management Science, Lahore Leads University Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan.
Many organizations in current scenario are using brand extension strategy to retain more market share as compare to their competitor. But applying this strategy in actual circumstances it is not easy thing to do. This study provides an insight into how the brand loyalty, brand trust, brand affect and parent brand quality affects the brand extension attitude of customers of footwear industry. To fulfill the purpose of our study, we have collected data through questionnaires. Our population frame was the customer who at least once have purchased footwear’s product. We have collected from 100 customers of footwear industry form Gujranwala a city of Pakistan. With respect to our study type we had regression as methodology to check the relationship of dependent variable with the independent and SPSS tools to find out the results. After careful analysis we reached at a conclusion that parent brand quality and brand loyalty positively affect brand extension attitude for footwear industry of Pakistan. The results are consistent with previous studies. However, relationships between brands affect and brand trust is not significant. The result of the study also shows that trust is a key concept in the building process for the organizations. It’s reality that if any organization fails to gain the trust element in the customer, then it would becomes very difficult that, brand will be accepted in minds of the customer. The result of this study will depict the clear picture to the management of footwear industry of Pakistan on adopting extension strategy.
Brand Extension, Brand Loyalty, Brand Affect, Parent Brand Quality, Brand Trust
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