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Impact of Employee Training and Motivation on Business Development in Banking Sector: Study Conducted in Pakistan
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 5 (October)
Pages: 241-249   |   Vol. 3, No. 5, October 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 233   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 3023   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Shakeel Ahmad Khan, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lahore Leads University Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan.
Muazzam Ali, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lahore Leads University Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan.
Hafiz Faraz Hussain, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lahore Leads University Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan.
Bilal Safdar, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lahore Leads University Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan.
With the wide competitive environment, greater demand for providing better product and services, constantly varying in information technology and the business environment in commercial banking sector demanding more than ever in the past the importance give on the trained employees in order to meet the necessities of the customers and the business survival. Banking sector is now calling up broader banking skills, banking knowledge and abilities for maintaining their existence and growth that demand for the proper and effective training to the employees. In the different case studies researchers explain the importance of training with respect to business development in different organizations such as Expectancy Theory explain that motivation of employees enhance when rewards are given to those employees who efficiently transfer training. Training, Incentive, job involvement and motivation ultimately upgrade not only the efficiency of employees but also of the organization. It has correctly been said, employee development is the key to the organizational sustainable development. Organizations must have those employees who are able to rapidly adapt to an ever-changing world market. Companies should invest in continuing employee training and development in order to remain both employees and organization is successful. This study explores that how employee performance can affect the development of business in banking sector of Pakistan? Employee performance affects business performance positively and negatively. For measuring the effect of different variables on business development variables have been takin which include dependent variable (Business Development) and independent variables (Training, Motivation, incentives, Job Involvement). Data has been collected through questionnaire from employee of different banks. After collecting data statistical model is implemented on numeric data. It is observed that effect of every independent variable on dependent variable is different from each other in banking sector which show that the above discussed variables definitely affect the employee performance which directly or indirectly effect on business development. However, it is recommended for management of banking organizations to provide training facilities to their employee and use different tools for the development of employees a priority in order to get out the best workforce as well as enhancing the productivity of an organization. Further research studies are also recommended on the training and development of employees in order to have a broader understanding of its valuable impacts.
Business Development, Employees Training, Incentives, Job Involvement, Motivation
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