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Effect of Implementing Quality Management System on the Performance of Public Universities in Kenya: A Case of Maseno University, Kenya
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 3 (June)
Pages: 145-151   |   Vol. 3, No. 3, June 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 36   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 2088   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Gulali Indiya Donald, Department of Marketing and Management, Maseno University, Kisumu City, Kenya.
Odoyo Collins Otieno, Department of Management Sciences, Maseno University, Kisumu City, Kenya.
John Mark Obura, Department of Management Sciences, Maseno University, Kisumu City, Kenya.
Beatrice Abong’o, Department of Marketing and Management, Maseno University, Kisumu City, Kenya.
Charles Ondoro, Department of Marketing and Management, Maseno University, Kisumu City, Kenya.
The degree on which a set of inherent characteristics of employees fulfill an organizations’ performance, is seen to be based on a number of management systems and styles adopted by the organization. One of such systems’ currently being adopted by many organizations in Kenya is the Quality Management System (QMS), which is a government requirement for all public and state corporations. However the adoption of the QMS has raised mixed reactions from various stakeholders on whether its implementation affects the overall performance of the organization. The purpose of this study therefore was to determine the effect of implementing QMS on the performance of public universities in Kenya, a case of Maseno University. Specifically the study on based on; to establish the extent of QMS implementation in Maseno University, examine the effects of QMS implementation on students’ enrolment, and establish the effect of QMS implementation on employee performance and to establish the level of infrastructural growth of Maseno University. The study adopted a case study design since it was desirable for in-depth analysis. The target population was 1283 non-teaching staff of Maseno University. A sample of 296 employees was obtained from the population using stratified random sampling. Primary data was then collected using questionnaires while secondary data obtained from records in relevant offices. Data collected was analyzed using correlation, regression analyses. The presentation of information was done in the form of tables. The study findings established that the QMS implementation had a strong positive impact on student enrolment with R2 of 0.615 and, infrastructural growth R2 of 0.398. The acquisition of a QMS appeared to have ignited an important role in service rendering capacity of the institution.
Quality Management Systems, QMS, Maseno University
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