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Effect of Different Strategies on Procurement Efficiency in Public Secondary Schools: A Survey of Public Secondary Schools in Ndhiwa District, Kenya
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 2 (April)
Pages: 104-112   |   Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 25   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1845   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Ondore Jeremiah Owuor, Department of Management Sciences, Maseno University, Kisumu City, Kenya.
Odoyo Collins Otieno, Department of Management Sciences, Maseno University, Kisumu City, Kenya.
JohnMark Obura, Department of Management Sciences, Maseno University, Kisumu City, Kenya.
Johnson Opiyo Kobiero, Department of Economics, Maseno University, Kisumu City, Kenya.
Alphonce Odondo, Department of Economics, Maseno University, Kisumu City, Kenya.
Simeon Okello, Department of Economics, Maseno University, Kisumu City, Kenya.
Public procurement system in Kenya has undergone significant developments. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of different strategies adopted by public schools on their procurement processes. The research objectives were to: Establish the status of different procurement strategies used in public secondary schools, identify factors that influence prices, settlement time and customer satisfaction in public procurement in public schools and Determine the impact of procurement strategies on prices, settlement time and customer satisfaction. The study examined procurement strategies in local public secondary schools that covered sampled schools in Ndhiwa district. The study employed survey design in which the existing procurement strategies were considered. A sample was selected from the entire population using stratified random sampling technique in order to classify the entire population of 51 school administration officers and 340 staff member. Data was collected using structured and unstructured questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. It was then classified and presented by frequency distribution tables, charts and graphs. Likert scale analysis was used to weigh the respondents’ perception. The study revealed that using strategies in the procurement improves efficiency and minimizes the costs of purchases. The study also revealed that many challenges face the stakeholders when applying the framework of procurement practice in the public secondary schools and that there is need to identify the underlying challenges with an aim of reviewing the procurement procedures, training all persons involved in procurement; have free access to procurement information by procurement practitioners in public institutions to enable prosecution of those who flout the laid down procurement rules. On recommendation, the researcher observed the need to adopt procurement strategies, identify the underlying challenges to implementation of the procurement regulations to foster accountability and transparency in the public institutions.
Procurement Strategies, Procurement Efficiency, Accountability, Procurement Processes
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