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Identity in the Retail Industry: The Paradigm Shift in Retail Management
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2014
Issue 3 (June)
Pages: 76-87   |   Vol. 2, No. 3, June 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 23   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 6790   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Ali M. Al-Khouri, Director General, Emirates Identity Authority, United Arab Emirates; Professor of Identity and Security, British Institute of Technology and E-Commerce, London, United Kingdom.
The retail industry is in the throes of transformation. Multi-channel retailing has become the norm of the day with the advent of mobility and self-service models. Retailers are seeking to stay ahead of the technology curve and meet new customers’ demands and buying behavior. Today’s customer is more consummate and discerning and not averse to sharing personal information for a better and perhaps preferential treatment. Thus, retailers are seeking to be ubiquitous in today’s digital world trying to garner customer information in their efforts to maximize their reach and points of sale. The role of modern identity management in the retail industry thus plays a dual role. Managing the identity of the customers while grappling with the employee identities to meet the challenges of the reality of remote operations. In this context, we make a cursive examination on the transformation in the retail industry and the data driven decision making that is expected to drive the industry. We also shed light on one of the world’s most renowned identity management infrastructures—in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)—and examining how reliable identity management systems can facilitate and enable the retail industry in their digital transformation.
Retailing, Digital Identity, Identity Management, National ID, E-Economy, Digital Transformation, Multi-channel presence, Data Driven Decision making
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