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Investing in Social Capital for Transforming Income Growth: Towards Theory of Responsiveness in Energetic Hospitals for Benchmarking
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 3 (June)
Pages: 132-140   |   Vol. 3, No. 3, June 2015   |   Follow on         
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Ravichandran N., Department of Management, Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard University, New Delhi, India.
Objective: The study aimed to determine the strategic role of social capital in the organization and its relationship with employees’ professional behavior and economic development, and also identify the factors encouraged by social capital and their role in achieving economic progress in the organization. Design and Setting: Multiple entity with an observation based longitudinal study design with repeated measurement in 22-months follow-up procedures adapted in the National Capital Region, Delhi, India. Participants: Stratified sample of 381 respondents to include representation of the full multi-specialty hospital at each unit, including the broader network of health care professionals, clinicians, nurses and health service managers involved in implementation. Measures: A combination of paper-based and semi-structured questionnaire includes 90-item scale was administered. Results: The results of the study hold several important implications for understanding the impact of social capital measures on economic development and broader theory surrounding the effect of satisfaction and cooperation improved the efficiency, effectiveness and equity. This is due to the kind of interventions that are taking place in the studied hospitals as part of change management initiative. In the analysis, the range of professional behavior factors found to be significant predictors, with higher ratings of the availability and the extent of reported process monitoring being associated with positive development in performance, reviewing and enhancing performance, providing direction, updating knowledge, stabilizing workforce, embracing change and innovation. The extent of process of social capital measures such as efficiency and effectiveness were found to have stronger effect, with every one point increase in social capital and its related characteristics score associated with a 0.616 higher scores in economic development. Conclusion: The study concludes that organizational culture and climate are capable of infusing social capital and its related characteristics are possible, multiple complex process and factors are implicated.
Social Capital, Benchmarking, Trust, Norms, Networking, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Quality
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