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Evaluating the Potential of Fungal Species in Decolourization of Dye Effluent: Towards Discovering an Alternative Treatment Method
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2019
Issue 1 (March)
Pages: 1-9   |   Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 14   Since Sep. 17, 2019 Views: 992   Since Sep. 17, 2019
Abdulkadir Rabiu Salisu, Department of Environmental Science, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria.
Aliyu Hassan Ibrahim, Department of Environmental Science, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria.
Dayibatu Muhammad Lamido, Department of Environmental Science, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria.
Background: Dyes in textile effluent can pose many health challenges to humans and interfere with the aesthetic value of the environment. Fungi can be very effective in remediation of colour pollution. Objective: In this study, abilities of some fungi in the decolourization of textile dye effluent were examined. Methods: Fungi were isolated from textile effluent and screened for azo dyes decolourization using solid media assay. The fungi were identified and subjected to acclimatization using graded dye concentration. Decolourization study was also tested using varied levels culture conditions. Results: The textile effluent harboured a high number (6.068 × 103cfu/ml) of fungi with Aspergillus niger having the higest occurrence (70.00%). Widest zone of decolourization (19.00 ± 0.00mm) was shown by Rhizopus spp. where as Aspergillus fumigatus recorded peak decolourization (18.8%) within 48hrs. No significant correlation (r = -0.2673, P = 0.1534) was found between time and decolourization percentage. All fungal species showed maximum decolourization at pH (3); probaly because of the pH dependent net charges on the dye molecules. Discussion: A significant correlation (r = -0.8994, p < 0.0001) between pH and percentage decolourization. Maximum decolourization (58.4%) of all the dyes occurred at 30°C. This could be because temperature is essential for fungal growth and enzyme activity. All species achieved maximum decolourization at 1%-3% sodium chloride concentrations with A. niger recording as high as 19.1% decolourization. Supplementation with Carbon and Nitrogen resulted in higher decolourization (55.66%) and (26.01%) within 48hours and 24hours respectively. Conclusion: Fungal species demonstrated varied levels of decolourization; their capability to tolerate and decolorize high concentration of dyes makes them advantageous for treatment of textile effluent at larger scale.
Textile, Effluent, Dyes, Decolourization, Fungi
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