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Trapping Mortality in Free Range Rhesus Monkeys in Shivalik Hills of Western Himalayas in Northern India
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2014
Issue 3 (June)
Pages: 68-71   |   Vol. 2, No. 3, June 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 12   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1970   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Vijay Kumar, Veterinary Officer, Monkey Sterilization Centre, Gopalpur- Zoo, Distt – Kangra, H.P, India.
Sangeeta Chandel, Divisional Forest Officer, HQ - Hamirpur Circle, Himachal Pradesh, India.
The aim of the present study was to find the incidences of the trapping mortality in free range rhesus macaques in Shivalik hills of western Himalayas of Northern India. During this investigation a total of 2642 rhesus monkeys were captured by trapping cages, out of which 12 rhesus monkeys were found trapped in different traps. Of the twelve rhesus monkeys 4 monkeys were rescued from the trapped site while others 8 monkeys were found with lacerated injuries with wire traps. Out of twelve monkeys 7 (58.33 %) were males while 5 (41.66 %) were females. 4 (33.33%) monkeys were trapped in body gripper traps while 6 (50 % ) in hand snare traps while 2 (16.66 %) were trapped in feet traps. There were mortality of 4 ( 33.33%) monkeys while 8 (66.66 %) were recovered well and set free at their respective site of rescue or capture. Out of 12 rhesus monkeys 3 (25 %) were commensal while 5 (41.66 % ) were semicommensal while 4 (33.33%) others were noncommensal. The maximum of the trapping 50% (6) were in the winter season followed by rainy (33.33%) (4) and summer (3) (25 %) seasons.
Trapping, Rhesus Monkey, Snare Traps, Free Range
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