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A Simplified Solution of the CMB Dipole by the “Expansion Center Model”
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 3 (May)
Pages: 30-37   |   Vol. 5, No. 3, May 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 67   Since Jul. 23, 2018 Views: 1199   Since Jul. 23, 2018
Luciano Lorenzi, Italian Astronomical Society, Florence, Italy.
ECM paper XXV: The new Hubble law by the “expansion center universe” (ECU), within a range of very low redshifts z, with cz values corrected only for the motion of the Sun in the Local Group (LG), leads to a combined cz-dipole pointing at about 65° from the center VC of the Bahcall & Soneira huge void, towards the same apex A of that CMB dipole2 which results from the observed CMB dipole after subtracting the velocity of the Sun in LG. By normalization, that combined cz-dipole produces a cosmic dipole pointing towards VC and confirming the “expansion center model” (ECM) at 28 mean z-depths, from the very nearby to the deep Universe (cf. paper XXII). The new dipole anisotropy with apex A at a mean redshift 0.0050, when applied to the ECM decelerating universe at very low redshifts z, is able to generate the same velocity as the CMB dipole2, that is a fictitious velocity of about 627 km/s of LG towards the apex A. Indeed LG and all the Local Hubble Flow is running away from and around the huge void, within a cosmic frame centred on the void center VC, with a velocity of about 61200 km/s towards an apex FA, at a galactic longitude of about 103° and a galactic latitude of about -25°. The cosmic mechanics should produce a space or “cosmic medium” (CM) deceleration which gives both an increasing wavelength to the elettromagnetic waves running against the Hubble flow and a decreasing wavelength to those running in the same direction as the Hubble flow. The simplified solution here presented, after the successful tests of the combined cz-dipole at the mean redshifts 0.012 from 1989 G7 data and 0.0046 from 1982 data by Aaronson et al., confirms the revolutionary results presented at EWASS 2016 (cf. papers XXI, XXII, XXIV), that is a likely origin of the CMB radiation at a mean depth of about 21 Mpc, in addition to a cosmic deceleration with a relativistic parameter +2.
Cosmology, Huge Void Center, Hubble Flow, Cosmic Medium, Dipole Anisotropy, Deceleration Parameter, CMB Origin
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