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Big Bang as a Big Crush
Current Issue
Volume 1, 2014
Issue 1 (April)
Pages: 6-10   |   Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 50   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 2042   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Luciano Lorenzi , Italian Astronomical Society, Firenze, Italy.
Revised version of the ECM paper XIV: The Big Bang event and the origin of the Hubble law can find an easy explanation within the Expansion Center Universe with angular momentum conserved. The note deals with Lemaitre’s primitive atom, whose centripetal attraction is hypothesized to be generated by a global multi-particle potential, arising from nuclear type forces or residual strong forces, which are also analogous with the Van der Waals forces in chemistry. Hence, by speculation and extrapolation of advanced nuclear research, after reaching the conclusion that there is no gravitational interaction between pairs of nucleons, a process of interaction within a multi-particle system is considered to be responsible for a residual effect called gravitation at macroscopic scale and also fed by dark matter. In this context, in place of the so-called “cosmic inflation” that was erroneously taken for granted even in two ECM papers, a sudden transition from attraction to repulsion of a centripetal force of nuclear type should be at work, that is a sort of “primeval deflation” able to produce a total cosmic shattering, where the primeval angular velocity generates the Hubble parameter of a radially decelerated Big Bang.
Cosmology, Lemaitre’s Primitive Atom, Gravitation, Big Bang, Hubble Law
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