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Existence of Dark Matter and its Meaning for the Physical Essence of “Electric Field” and “Electric Charge” of the Particles Created from This Matter
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2016
Issue 1 (December)
Pages: 1-7   |   Vol. 3, No. 1, December 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 75   Since Dec. 6, 2016 Views: 1671   Since Dec. 6, 2016
I. A. Boriev, The Branch of Talrose Institute for Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia.
Last years the belief in dark matter (DM) existence in ambient space becomes more valid and reliable registration of DM properties is an actual task of present-day astrophysics and cosmology. Recently it was shown by me that the reasonable assumption, that observed properties of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) are produced by thermal (at 2.7K) seesaw motion of DM, gives materialistic substantiation to conservation laws of classical physics and to principles of quantum mechanics (as it gives the value of Planck’s constant). This result directly confirms the reality of DM existence and shows, that CMBR is an observed display of DM motion. Also recently, taking into account that creation of electron-positron pair occurs from DM as two contrarily rotating material vortex (according to their spins), the substantiation of positron nature of ball lightning (as a bunch of big amount of positrons) was given by me, what let first explain all its properties. Unbelievable (at first sight) confluence of positrons may occur, when they are concurrently and next to created from all nearest DM, what may take place at powerful streak lightning in the air. Used conception, that “electric field” of positron results from “polarization” of nearest DM by positron rotation, means that, if around positrons is not DM to produce their “electric fields”, so they can’t reveal their mutual repulsion. Thus, such positrons, as identical material vortex, may confluence in growing rotating bunch, which according to energy conservation law should rotate with constant linear speed of its surface, giving constant and small “electric field” of this bunch. In the paper, using proposed conception of physical essence of “electric field” (and “electric charge”) of elemental particles created from DM, the problem of inexplicably many (now more than 350) registered unstable particles is resolved, and an explanation is given why calculated masses for these short-living particles are considerably larger than the masses of stable particles (electron, proton). Besides, used conception let reveal physical reason of so-called “asymptotic freedom”, proposed theoretically to explain the absence of repulsion between protons in atomic nucleus (the Nobel Prize on physics in 2004). Really, in the case of small size of atomic nucleus there is not enough DM to produce the “electric fields” of protons, and so their mutual repulsion is absent.
Dark Matter, Electron-Positron Pair Creation, Essence of “Electric Field”, Reason of “Asymptotic Freedom”
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