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Electron-Positron Pair Creation from Dark Matter: Substantiation of Positron Nature of Ball Lightning
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 5 (October)
Pages: 45-50   |   Vol. 2, No. 5, October 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 77   Since Sep. 23, 2015 Views: 6069   Since Sep. 23, 2015
Igor Abuzedovich Boriev, The Branch of Talrose Institute for Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia.
The existence of dark matter (DM) in all ambient space and reasonable comprehension that electron-positron pairs are created from this DM (as material vortexes according to their spins) let substantiate positron nature of yet misunderstood atmospheric phenomenon – ball lightning (BL). It is shown, that understanding of BL physical nature as a bunch of big amount of positrons let explain all observed specific properties of BL. Main known properties of BL (ball-shaped luminescence, visible size and time of life) are determined by behavior in the air of X-ray radiation from annihilation of BL positrons with electrons of the air molecules. Efficient creation of positrons in thunderclouds at streak lightning was revealed recently (2009) with the use of space telescope Fermi (by registration the X-ray radiation, which is specific for electron-positron annihilation). This fact is confirmed by mountain station observations, which also show the appearance at the streak lightning of many very hot electrons and gamma quanta. Their appearance is due to high electric fields in thunderclouds (up to 200 MV), what at streak lightning leads to strong heating of electrons and their multiplication by ionization of air molecules. As known such hot electrons at their retardation in the nucleus electric field (of air molecules) effectively produce the bremsstrahlung (gamma quanta with MeV energy), and these gamma quanta create (also effectively in the nucleus electric field) the electron-positron pairs. The possibility of positron confluence (unbelievable for the same charges at first sight) may be reasonably substantiated for the case, when positrons are created concurrently and next to from all ambient DM. Since positron is material vortex and its electric field results from DM polarization by its rotation, it is clear that, if nearest DM will be consumed for positron creation, so at this moment around thus created positrons will be not enough DM to produce their electric fields, which lead to their mutual repulsion. Thus, such created positrons, being an identical material vortex, may confluence in one rotating bunch. According to the energy conservation law the rotation speed of growing positron bunch should diminish so that its surface speed remains constant. So electric field of positron bunch (due to DM polarization by its rotation) should stay small and positive, as it is observed for BL.
Dark Matter, Electron-Positron Pair Creation, Vortex Nature of Positron, Confluence Possibility of Positrons, Creation of Positrons in Thunderclouds, Positron Nature of Ball Lightning, Explanation of Ball Lightning Properties
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