Fundamental Laws of Classical and Quantum Physics Follow from the Features of Microwave Background Radiation Produced by Dark Matter Seesaw Motion
I. A. Boriev, The Branch of Talrose Institute for Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia.
Known properties of cosmic microwave background radiation, produced no doubt by seesaw motion of sought-for dark matter, which fills ambient space, give materialistic substantiation to fundamental laws both of classical and quantum physics. According to E. Noether`s theorems, spatial homogeneity and isotropy of cosmic background radiation and, consequently, the same properties of dark matter validate the classical physics conservation laws of momentum and angular momentum, correspondingly, whereas observed invariability of nature processes on starting moment validate the energy conservation law. The fact, that microwave background radiation (the most powerful among cosmic one) has the blackbody spectrum at ~2.7 K, shows that dark matter is in equilibrium seesaw motion at this temperature. From thermal energy of such dark matter motion (with the speed of electromagnetic waves 3108 m/s) follows that dark matter effective mass, which produces seesaw motion, is ~1.210-39 kg. Maximum wavelength of microwave background radiation (~1.910-3 m) means the amplitude (damping length) of seesaw motion for effective mass of dark matter, therefore the action function of such seesaw motion of dark matter is ~710-34 Js. This value corresponds well to Planck`s constant (6.610-34 Js), which is an action function too, and this fact discovers Planck`s constant origin from dark matter seesaw motion. Such obtained result gives materialistic base to Heisenberg`s principle of uncertainty and to all others conceptions of quantum physics. Damping length of seesaw motion of dark matter let estimate the density of dark matter (≥510-27 kg/m3), which corresponds well to the space matter density for stationary Universe.
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Dark Matter, Conservation Laws of Classical Physics, Origin of Planck`s Constant, Density of Dark Matter, Stationary Universe
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I.A. Boriev, Fundamental laws of classic and quantum physics as consequence of materialistic insight into the properties of microwave background radiation, Scientific-Coordination Session "Non-ideal Plasma Physics", Moscow, December 3-4, 2013,