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Studying Fantastic Structure of Persian Epic Stories
Current Issue
Volume 1, 2014
Issue 3 (August)
Pages: 26-33   |   Vol. 1, No. 3, August 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 25   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 2027   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Vahideh Norouzzadeh Chegini, Center of Excellence in Wisdom Literature and Mystical Texts Studies, Isfahan, Iran.
Iran Abedi, The M. A Student of Library Information in Islamic Azad University, Iran.
Fantasy is a literary genre that was appeared on those societies being vanguards of new world. Fantasy means outgoing from reality, because fantasy permits person to build the world as he/she likes and has a world respondent to his will. In fact, using his/her fancy, human body could gratify his inabilities against nature and order his mind’s diffused pictures. In other words, myth and legend has been an important part of culture since the beginning. Literature began with these stories and fantasy literature is myth and legend created in more recent times. Fantasy has different types that one of the most important types is ‘heroic fantasy’. This kind of fantasy has been in human literature since very old times. The best example is Ferdowsi1’s Shahnameh2. “Hakīm Abu'l-Qāsim Firdowsī Tūsī” is considered as the greatest Persian poet. His work is Shahnameh) The Book of Kings (that belongs to world people. By introducing extravagant places and more extravagant characters such as Zahhak, White goblin (Div-e-Sepid), Roc and even some champions and heroes such as Rostam and Esfandyar. Ferdowsi has created quietly fantastic stories, that Shahnameh is one of the oldest in the field of fantasy. Now Shahnameh is taught in Persian schools and is studied its epic aspect but in this paper we attempt to identify fantastic world of Shahnameh and show Persian fantastic stories to children, their teachers and literary researchers that they know Shahnameh is a literary, artistic and historical masterpiece.
Fantasy, Heroic (Epic) Fantasy, Rostam’s Haft Khan (I. E. Seven Exploit), Invulnerableness of Esfandyar, Zahhak, Roc
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