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Background, Cultural Values and Functions of Traditional Festivals in Ghana: The Case of “Kloyosikplemi” of the Yilo Krobos
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2019
Issue 2 (June)
Pages: 25-40   |   Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 27   Since Jun. 28, 2019 Views: 1213   Since Jun. 28, 2019
Shirley Dankwa, Centre for African Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
Loretta Asare-Kumi, Social Studies Education Department, Faculty of Social Sciences Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
Isaac Eshun, Social Studies Education Department, Faculty of Social Sciences Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
This paper examined the cultural values and functions of traditional festivals in Ghana with reference to Kloyosikplemi of the people of the Yilo Krobo in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Specifically, the study described the background and how the Kloyosikplemi festival is celebrated, the cultural values embedded in the festival and the functions of the festival celebration. The population for the study was limited to the people who took part in the festival celebration. However, the accessible population was fifty. Purposive which is a non-probability sampling technique was employed. Out of the fifty, five respondents were purposively selected which includes spokesperson, queen mother, chief, a traditional priest and a clan head or leader. The five respondents from each of the categories were purposively selected based on their readiness and ability to contribute meaningfully and effectively to the Kloyosikplimi festival. These respondents have adequate information regarding the essence of the festival since they are very important key stakeholders in the festival planning activities and execution. For the purpose of the study the data were collected through field observations (employing participatory observation checklist), interviews (employing interview guide) and documentary analyses. Sector-based discussion was employed in this study. This is whereby sub-themes arrived at, in the findings within a given broad sector were discused at the end of the results derived from the broader theme. Inferences are then made from the literature. The data for this study were analysed inductively to allow categories and patterns to emerge from the data leading to set of smaller and similar data that are more workable. Ethical issues were strictly addressed in respect of privacy as well as the security of the participants. Among the significant issues that were considered included consent, confidentiality and data protection. It was revealed that the The Kloyosikplemi festival of the Yilo Krobo people is celebrated in October or November depending on the traditional calendar. It is celebrated in remembrance of the forceful eviction of their ancestors from their ancestral home on top of the Krobo Mountains in 1892 by the British colonial government. Kloyosikplemi which is among the festivals of migration is celebrated week-long with several activities throughout the period. Kloyosikplemi festival serves as effective tool for economic, religious, and social development of the people of Yilo Krobo. In line with the findings of this study, it is recommended that the Yilo Krobo people should project the Kloyosikplemi festival through modern education, technological know-how, and contact with other world religions so as to make it more attractive to the Ghanaian society as well as the larger world.
Culture, Cultural Values, Ghana, Kloyosikplemi Festival, Traditional Festivals, Yilo Krobos
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