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The Practices of Cooperative Housing in Modern Ankara
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2019
Issue 2 (June)
Pages: 51-68   |   Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 28   Since Aug. 8, 2019 Views: 885   Since Aug. 8, 2019
Nuray Bayraktar, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Başkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
Ankara is a modern capital city of the Republic of Turkey. The housing buildings in Ankara, have a significant importance regarding their initial setup which was inspired and nourished by modernism and a potential of disruption for the traditional habits of life. It is possible to evaluate that, the multi - storey housing settlement practices were in parallelism with the understanding of international modern housing, one of the fundamental practices of the architectural profession. Residential settlement for upper-income levels, were highly inspired by the garden-city conception of the modern time. Apartment blocks which were designed by the conception of modern free-plan with the common area. Housing with courtyards have been handled with the same modern approach. Besides, it is also necessary to mention single-family houses, private-sector corporative houses and lottery houses which were promoted by the banks of the time, according to the modern housing policy of the era. This article focuses on the practices of cooperative housing especially multi - storey housing settlements and apartment blocks in modern Ankara in 1950’s. These practices, for not only their avant-garde approach and exceptional solutions for the problem of dwelling, but also for their architectural qualities from a historical point-of-view, deserve a special evaluation with their design decisions, formal language, possibilities of various usages, uniqueness, attributed-importance, semantic connotations regarding the time they built and -most importantly- their inclusion of traces of life in a bygone era.
Modern Housing, Cooperative Practices, Ankara
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