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Low Bride Price Culture, a Panacea for Rising Singlehood: Nsadop’s Example
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 4 (December)
Pages: 55-66   |   Vol. 5, No. 4, December 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 11   Since Mar. 5, 2019 Views: 1190   Since Mar. 5, 2019
Besong, Department of Philosophy, Federal University Lafia, Nigeria.
Eric Ndoma, Department of Philosophy, Federal University Lafia, Nigeria.
High or outrageous bride price marriage culture among many peoples in Nigeria and other parts of the world is one prime reason for the rising singlehood in the contemporary society. This study sets out to scholarly explore the problems of singlehood as regards high/outrageous bride price. Bride price is so low in Nsadop, Boki of Cross River State, Nigeria, that some other people(s) around most often make mockery of it – that they need little or nothing to get married to an Nsadop lady. As a result, the people are beginning to change their bride price and introduce charges that never existed erstwhile. Oral sources confirmed that most young people remain single these days because of high bride price. Also, the Nsadop people hold negative perception about singlehood cum overdue singles. Some youths now resort to cohabitation, while some single men deny pregnancies they are responsible for, all for fear of outrageous bride price or their inability to pay and/or throw flamboyant traditional marriage/White wedding party. The study submits that low bride price and good marriage culture are the panacea for the rising singlehood and the like trends across cultures of the globe. It enjoins peoples that practise high bride price to learn from Nsadop people (and the like) and turn a new leave, so as to address the menace of singlehood and other marriage issues arising from high bride price. Oral interview, observation and intuition are the primary sources employed, while library print materials and the internet form the secondary sources.
Low Bride Price, Nsadop, Marriage, Singlehood, Panacea
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